What we did in Art:
First off we practised drawing manga and kowhaiwhai, we had to draw an art piece including manga and kowhaiwhai, first, we sketched it then we painted it. We were allowed to draw whatever only if it included those two art examples. My piece was split in half from the centre and drew two manga looking characters, one on the top and another one on the bottom, then I added in kowhaiwhai looking pieces to make it look interesting. At the start, we practised drawing different types of art examples, this was all in T1 (term one).
We also got lino and drew a practice design. Then we got to draw on a piece of paper what we want to do on the lino, we use not sharp but kinda sharp tools to carve into the lino to make the design.
This is what we've done so far in T2 (term two)
Thanks for reading. :)
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