The Maori population in the 1830s was around 70 - 80 thousand, the two main reasons behind the drop in the population is because of diseases and war.
The main settlement was called Kororaeka/Russell. The rangatira and missionaries were unhappy with what was happening because of fighting and that it was a party town.
Te Tiriti O Waitangi was neglected because of water, rats, etc. The United Tribe was set up to help revolve the situation.
The British saw France as a threat because of Colonisation. Edward Wakefield set up the New Zealand Company to help poor people. The British sent Hobson to New Zealand to let the Maori know what the were planning on doing.
500 Rangatira signed Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The problem with the way the treaty was written is because it wasn't the same. Chiefly authority or Selfgoverment is what Tino Rangatiratanga means. Control is what Sovereignty means, and Governorship is what Kawanatanga means.
When the Maori looked at the treaty they believed that they would own the land, but it was majorly different to what the British were thinking.
Hone Heke showed his frustration by setting fire to the town and cutting down the British flag. The different methods the Maori used to beat the Britsh in the Northern War was Building trenches, bricks, and placing wood on the bricks to make the British soldiers slower to get to their trenches.
Kia Ora Toni
ReplyDeleteYou have written lots of great facts about Te Tiriti o Waitangi which show that you understand the mistakes in the treaty and how this impacted the lives of everyone in New Zealand.
Edward Wakefield wasn't trying to help people unfortunately. He set up the New Zealand Company in hopes of buying land cheaply from the Maori and selling it for more money to European settlers. He wanted to get rich!
Keep up the good work.
Mrs Hastie